– Buying a Scottsdale Home on a Septic System –
Most homes in Scottsdale are connected to the public sewer system. However, as you get further north or into less-developed areas, there is a good chance your home will come with a septic system.
What Is a Septic System?
Very basically, it is an underground wastewater treatment system that processes wastewater from your home. It replaces the need for being attached to a sewer system.
The Home I Want to Purchase Is on Septic – Now What?
When a home is on septic and is being sold, the septic system is required to be inspected per the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) and a report must be presented before the close of escrow.
Since septic systems can be found all over Arizona, the Arizona Association of Realtors® (AAR) has developed a form that is used in the purchase process when a home is on septic.
This form that is used is called the ON-SITE WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY ADDENDUM and it was just updated in June 2018. The form clarifies the process, the sellers’ responsibilities as well as the buyers’ options. If you click on the image, it will bring up sample of this form for your review.
Some key points to note:
- The seller is responsible for scheduling and paying for the septic inspection. This can be done at most six months in advance or no more than twenty days after the contract was accepted. (This timeframe can be negotiated between the parties.)
- The report must be presented to the buyer no later than 20 days after contract acceptance, unless another timeframe was negotiated.
- If the system is found to be non-functional or cannot be certified, the seller may be obligated to pay up to 1% of the purchase price to repair it.
- Based on the findings of the report, buyers can elect to cancel the contract and receive their Earnest Money funds back.
This is just a quick overview of how buying a home on a septic system in Scottsdale works. If you would like additional information, please feel free to contact us.
Disclaimer: This post is meant to be educational and general in nature and does not include all of the information on buying a home on septic or all of the provisions outlined in the On-site Wastewater Treatment Facility Addendum. There may be some real estate sales where a septic system is not inspected. Please consult a professional if you would like more specifics about septic systems, inspections and your home.